
If you are a B2C company, you may need to think about a "mobile first" strategy so that customers can communicate with you quickly and easily.
WhatsApp is a tool already in place on your customers phones.

If you want assistance integrating it into your…

No one likes to waste effort. The only way to know if something is effective is to measure it. the same goes for customer service. If you offer customer interactions via WhattApp, do you measure the responses?


Your customers want to message you. How do you interact with them? Most of them are using WhatsApp, so why not use it for your customer interactions?

Get in touch if you want to equip your customer service team.

Your competition are communicating with their customers using WhattsApp. Should you offer that facility too? Drop me a line if you would like to discuss it.

#whatex #whatsapp #whatsappsolution #teaminbox

An increasing amount of businesses are communicating with customers on WhatsApp. If you want to find out more, drop me a line.

#whatsapp #customerservice

I've just had a go at using 8x8 communication. They provide business phone, video, chat, and contact center solutions—all in one app. And works on any device. Check it out, use my link #Experience8x8

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