
Connectivity and Internet of Things

Of course every business needs internet connections to all of their premises, but what sort of connection do you need? Not all internet circuits are born equal. What may have been a good choice a few years ago may not be so good as you move more of your business interaction onto VoIP and Video calls.

We can advise and source the most suitable connections for your needs and supply them at the very best price. Just give us a call!

Types of connections we provide are :-

  • Leased Lines
  • Fibre To The Cabinet
  • Fibre To The Premises
  • ADSL
  • Ethernet
  • 4G and 5G

Internet of Things (IoT)

If you have an IoT application we can help lower your costs. To ensure connectivity and with little information at hand regarding data usage, many organisations simply buy individual sim cards with a large data allowance on them to put in their IoT devices.

While an effective approach, it is not a cost effective one. Ones and Zeros can provide you with sim cards which automatically use the best network, but which have a low monthly cost. They draw from a shared data pool allowing you to only pay for the data you need.

Sim cards are managed through a portal, so you can up to date information on what data the cards are using, which device they are in and many more performance metrics.

If the thought of changing the cards in an already deployed network looks like a daunting task, don’t worry, we can adopt those sim cards and bring them into a new low cost tariff.